“Surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me all the days of my life, and I will live in the house of the Lord forever.” Psalm 23:6 (NLT)

The words of the twenty-third Psalm are some of the most striking in the Bible. They talk about my character: a character of ever-present, ever-powerful, never-ending, grace-filled, accepting love.

You may have grown up in a cold environment where your father never expressed his love. Or a broken home where you rarely (if ever) saw him. Or… whether physically or emotionally… your father deserted your family. The very word “father” may provoke poor images or strong negative emotions. I trust me, I know what you’re feeling.

If you struggle to wrap your mind around the idea of me as your loving Heavenly Father, consider the powerful story found in Luke 15. It is known as the parable of the Prodigal Son. It tells the tale of two sons. Knowing Dad had plenty of money, the younger son demanded his share of the inheritance. No waiting for the funeral: “Give it to me now.”

In the Jewish context in which my son, Jesus, told this story, such behavior represented the ultimate insult. A father’s legacy involved far more than his money. He passed on his identity, teachings, cultural traditions, and other intangibles that represented the best he had to offer his offspring.

The son was basically telling his father he wanted him dead—and he didn’t care about anything but his money.

The father’s response? No questions. No fighting. He gave the son his inheritance and let him go on his way.

So, what did this ungrateful son do with his share of the fortune? He wasted every last dime. Traveled far off and engaged in riotous living. When a famine struck the land, he wound up slopping pigs in hopes of finding a scrap of food. For Jews who shunned pork as unclean, the Prodigal Son had sunk as low as possible.

Shamed beyond belief, the son recognized even his father’s hired servants lived better than him. So he decided to swallow his pride and return home. And this is where the story gets interesting. Instead of responding, “I told you so” or “I hope you learned your lesson,” the father greets his returning son with joy. He tells his servants to dress his son in the finest clothing and prepare a feast.

As you can probably imagine, the son’s older brother wasn’t too happy. He resented his father treating this rebellious son with such gentleness and forgiveness. but the older brother missed the point—his father’s blessings were always available to him, too.

Jesus used this parable to paint a picture of me, your Heavenly Father. I am a Father who loves you and is ready to welcome you home, no matter what. I love you, I desire you, and my love is completely unconditional.

I understand that such acceptance is beyond human comprehension. But this is the kind of love I have for you. And trust me when I tell you that you won’t be able to find this kind of love anywhere else.


  • Read Luke 15:11-32.

  • Describe your impressions of the Prodigal Son and his older brother. What did each do right? What did each do wrong? How do you feel about their earthly father? Was he a kind, loving man or a sap who let his kids get away with anything? How does this father’s action change your impression of God?

  • Read Why Are You Thrilled to Be Loved by Jesus?