“Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” Matthew 11:29

There are so many problems in this world. So many struggling. So many who are suffering.

Yes, I ask that you be my hands and feet. That you help where you can. That you serve and love and give. That you advocate for those in need. That you care for the orphan and widow. That you serve the needy and share my Good News.

But this world is not your burden. Nor is history. Nor is your own life.

I ask you to be obedient to my call, but I don’t ask you to carry the weight of it all. That’s what my Son, Jesus, did on the cross. His work was sufficent for all.

Jesus is the Savior of the world, not you.

Aren’t you tired of being crushed by the burdens of the world? They were never meant to be carried by you. Instead, take my yoke upon you. Carry my peace instead. Let me handle the problems of the world. You… you just obey my commands. That’s all I ask.

I am strong enough. I am wise enough. I am more than enough.

Please, for your own sake, put down those burdens you were never meant to carry. Trust me instead.

Rest in me.

— God


  • Read Matthew 11:28-30. What burdens do you need to hand over to God today?

  • One of the best things to help you trust in God daily is to spend time in His Word regularly. Find more devotionals and biblical resources on our website by clicking here.

  • Do you have specific questions about your faith? We have collected as many questions as we could, sorted them into groups, and written out answers. You can find them here.