“Give all your worries and cares to God, for He cares about what happens to you.” 1 Peter 5:7
Right or wrong... deserved or not... you weren't made to carry all that burden on your own. Whether it's unresolved guilt, past sins, broken relationships, or any number of other things weighing you down, you don't have to carry it anymore.
Give your burdens to me. I can handle them. I can sustain you. And I have so much more for you instead.
Life is tough, I know. And the burdens it hands you can be so hard to bear.
But you weren’t made to do this on your own. Your questions, your concerns, your confusions, and your pain — give it all to me. You don’t need to carry it alone.
I am glad to carry your burdens and give you the daily strength you need. And when you really need it, I will carry you as well.
It is not my will that you should be crushed down with excessive burdens. Let me free you today. I can remove your heavy burden of guilt and hopelessness and give you true rest. True relief.
Why not come to me today? Allow me to relieve you of your heavy load. Trust me, I can handle it. It is my joy.
— God
Do you sometimes struggle with the idea of forgiveness? Read this article to find answers to some of the toughest questions as they relate to God’s love and His ability to forgive.
Do you have other questions about your faith? We have collected as many questions as we could, sorted them into groups, and written out answers. You can find them here.
Have you yet to give your life to Christ? Or maybe you have strayed away from Him. Turn to Him now. His grace and love is sufficient. Learn how here.