“I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.” John 15:5
Come into my presence and rest.
That is all I ask of you.
Give me your concerns… your anxiety… and your stress.
Just like the limbs of a fruit tree, their one job — their entire goal — is to stay attached to the trunk. For that is where they get their strength, their nourishment, and their power. As long as they abide with the trunk, they can accomplish their purpose, they can produce much fruit, they can bless their world.
It is the same with you.
I don't ask you to do anything in your own strength.
You do not have to toil or struggle.
You simple must hold tight to me — abide in me — and I will give you what you need.
Don't let your emotions, circumstances, or abilities… or lack of abilities… be the root of your relationship with me. Let my truth, my ability, my strength, and my promises be what ground you and carry you forward.
Abide in me.
Receive my love.
That’s all I ask of you this morning.
Enjoy my presence. No matter your worldly circumstances. Enjoy me. Trust me. I can give you the nourishment, perspective, grace, and peace you need.
I can take away your anxiety.
I can carry you forward.
I am the vine. You are the branches. Apart from me, you can do nothing.
— God
Do you sometimes struggle with the idea of forgiveness? Read this article to find answers to some of the toughest questions as they relate to God’s love and His ability to forgive.
Do you have other questions about your faith? We have collected as many questions as we could, sorted them into groups, and written out answers. You can find them here.
Have you yet to give your life to Christ? Or maybe you have strayed away from Him. Turn to Him now. His grace and love is sufficient. Learn how here.