“He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.” – Psalm 147:3 (NIV)

It is impossible to go through life without being hurt. Promises are broken and trust is shattered. The circumstances of life shape our hearts, but they also break them.

It is in the times when you feel most broken that you cry out to me. It is in these moments that you look for the support you so desperately need. You continually try to find things to fill your heart, but the my love can never be taken from you. Instead of pursuing earthly offerings to fill the hole left inside your heart, you need to pursue the one who will fill you completely. Me.

When you find yourself looking for an escape from your pain, you have to know the answer isn’t with anything that the world can offer. Drowning sorrows with alcohol leaves you empty, jumping into relationships you know you shouldn’t leaves you unsatisfied, and turning away from the people you love leaves you lonely. But I promise to fix you and fill your heart.

I will fix you by replacing old memories with new ones, and I will fill you with things like love, joy and peace. I will give you new pieces to replace the crushed ones and the patience to rebuild all that’s been broken.

I have a history of mending broken hearts.  I want to help you put the pieces back together, to repair the damage, and to help you find happiness again. That starts with finding happiness with me. Seek me out. Read my word for advice on how to restore your heart or to heal the things that scar you. Spend time talking to me. Do these things and you will find the pain further away and heal a little bit closer every day.


  • Read Romans 5:3-5. Consider the heartbreak as a time to grow closer to God. Pray for His guidance, and seek His comfort. He is waiting to fix whatever you need repaired.

  • Jot down a list of the things you love. Mark them in order of what you put first in your life. Does God make the top of your list? Do you spend time with Him? Why or why not?

  • The Fruit of the Spirit is a list of things that are promised to those who have a relationship with God. Read the list in Galatians 5:22-23 and then ask God to give you more of his fruit in your life.