“Then Jesus said, ‘Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.’” Matthew 11:28 (NLT)
Just like you, people in the first century were heavy-hearted. They were troubled by the same demands of life that weigh on you; the economy, taxes, religious zealots, violence, marriage problems.
Jesus’ messages to those living in the first century remain relevant. After all, human nature has hardly changed. People are still striving after money, prestige or power. They are still jockeying for position by grabbing the corner office, the seat at the head table, or the golden statue. Ironically, they are still coming up short. Do you know the feeling?
In the midst of a uncertain world full of troubles, stress and anxious hearts, Jesus told his followers not to worry. On another occasion, He said, “Don’t let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, and trust also in me” (John 14:1). He made a promise to them. The same promise I am making to you. In the midst of today’s uncertain world with all of it’s troubles, stress and worry those who come to me will still find rest.
Are you worried about tomorrow? Stressed out about today? Anxious over the state of the world? I want to hear from you. When you come to me I will give you rest and renewal. When you trust me with your worries I can fill your heart with peace. When you bring me your grief I will give you comfort.
If you are weighed down by a heavy heart, the best thing you can do is to tell me about it. I long to hear from you.
Read 1 John 2:15-17. Describe two of your accomplishments in life, such as winning a trophy, getting a promotion at work, or finishing an advanced degree in a specialized field of study. Did it bring you lasting happiness? Why or why not?
A good prayer: Heavenly Father, I am feeling stressed, worried and afraid. My heart is heavy and my soul is weary. I come to you right now seeking your promise of rest. Calm my anxious mind. Fill it with your peace. Free me from the stress I feel. Help me find a way to relax and let go. Guide me in this today. Amen.
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