“You are now very sad. But later I will see you, and you will be so happy that no one will be able to change the way you feel.” John 16:22 (CEV)

Grief comes in many forms. Losing a loved one. Dealing with sickness. Struggling through pandemic. The loss of a job. It’s the deep, dark sorrow that comes with loss. The emotions can be overwhelming. The feelings unnerving.

Yet everyone will experience it at some point in their lives.

How can you cope without someone or something that has been such a key part of your life?

John 16:22 appears near the end of a long talk between Jesus and His disciples. They were full of grief. The most incredible man they had ever known was leaving the earth. They had no clue where he was headed. They just knew they would desperately miss Him and their world would never be the same. They were discovering how life can be full of surprises. And that’s when Jesus promised to turn their sadness into joy.

Life contains both highs and lows. The mountain top experiences as well as the dark valleys. If you live long enough you are sure to experience both. You will see there are many forces affecting your life that lie beyond your power to control. This is where you can find reassurance in My promise of future joy.

Make no mistake about it: I understand your pain, bewilderment, confusion, and dismay. I can see the same questions in your eyes that Jesus saw in His disciples:

  • How are we going to make it through this?

  • Why are you allowing this to happen?

  • When will it be over?

You may be asking similar questions right now. You may need to take time away from everything and everyone you know to rest and grieve. Grief is a natural part of life. Working your way through it won’t come quickly. But you must try.

As you move forward, plan to take time each day to spend with Me. Developing your relationship with Me will lead you toward that day of rejoicing. Together we will make it through this to the time when Jesus promised — that “no one will take away your joy.”

Are you with Me?


  • Are you bogged down with grief? Make a list of the five people who have meant the most to you during your life. Talk with each of them this week. Tell them how they have been such a blessing. You may find this helps lift your spirits as well.

  • Watch Why Does God Allow Pain and Suffering?

  • Need someone to talk to about the grief you are experiencing? We have friends ready to chat with you at