“Since I was worse than anyone else, God had mercy on me and let me be an example of the endless patience of Christ Jesus. He did this so that others would put their faith in Christ and have eternal life.” 1 Timothy 1:16 (CEV)
The world evaluates your success on a man-made scale, weighing the things that don’t matter. But I evaluate you on a Heavenly scale, weighing the only thing that does matter—your heart. The Bible tells you that I do not consider your outward appearance, but looks directly at the heart. It’s true! Believe it!
I don’t judge your life based on who you try to be; I judge your life based on who you truly are. I see right through the fancy clothes and filtered statuses, right into the very core of who you are. And I love you even despite your messiness, your brokenness and your struggles.
I know your bad habits and your battles. I know the things you struggle with and the things you struggle for. I know the worst about you, but I choose to concentrate on the best. I give you strength to overcome your weaknesses and grace to cover all your wrongdoings. Because no matter what you’ve done or what you do, there is nothing that will separate you from my love, and nothing that can make me love you less.
Take comfort in the promise of my steadfast love. Know that the worst decision you’ve ever made can be forgiven. Remind yourself that despite all you’ve done and all you’ve said, my view of you has never changed.
You are my child and I love you.
Read Romans 8:35-39 a couple of times through. Write out, highlight or underline the part that stands out to you the most.
To find out more about God’s love sign-up for one of our 5-Day Spiritual Journeys.