“Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ.” – 1 Corinthians 12:12 (NIV)

You need to know this — to be my child means you are never alone.

No matter the struggle, the pain, the pressure, or the hurt — in the good times and the bad — I am right beside you.

but it’s not just me. As my child, you are part of a bigger family. You are surrounded by brothers and sister. Those who understand your struggle. Those who can help carry your burdens.

This family is one of my many gifts to you. Don’t forget this gift!

Together — with your brothers and sisters — you can weather any storm. You can fight the good fight, resist the enemy, and find victory.

You may be challenged, but you will sustain.

You may be bent, but you will not be broken.

You may be hurt or hunted, but you will never be destroyed.

I will guide you and protect you. And I will often do this work through others.

If you’re suffering, it’s time to give your pain to another… to one who is stronger or wiser. They will help you bear it.

And if you are finding victory and success today, it may be your time to carry another who is weak and weary, in the midst of their own fight.

I’ve made you part of a greater body. A body for which I care deeply. A body which I will never abandon.

Don’t forget this gift. I created it for you.



  • Take time today to think of 1-2 people you can trust to help you in times of trouble. Write them a note to thank them for their friendship and support.

  • Read John 13:34-35.

  • If you haven’t already, connect with other believers online through our GodSpeaks Facebook community by clicking here.