“Our days may come to seventy years, or eighty, if our strength endures; yet the best of them are but trouble and sorrow, for they quickly pass, and we fly away.” Psalm 90:10
Why is it that everyone wants to be remembered? Is it the desire to be significant? To have your life matter? To show that you actually accomplished something worthwhile or meant something to your friends or family?
Don’t be fooled. The world has a very short memory. How quickly people forget. And the things they do remember… they’re often the wrong things.
It’s a good thing I look at things differently. I value the mundane. The daily struggle.
I see the servant heart, the patient attitude, the prayerful mother, and the faithful father.
I see you.
I see the good you do. I see your endurance.
And I won’t ever forget you.
I care little about your title or station in life... whether you’re a servant or a king, a barista or a CEO.
I see you and I love you.
Your life matters to me and I have not missed one second of it!
Your parents may have overlooked your accomplishments. Your boss may not recognize your skills. Your family may not value the gifts you bring to the table. But I do. I see it all. And I will never forget.
Yes, you will be gone from this world at some point. And the world may never remember you. But that is nothing to fear. In the story I will tell for all of eternity, you play a vital role. I will tell of the great things you did in my name.
In my kingdom, you will be remembered for eternity.
— God
Do you struggle with fear? Many people do in this world. But you don’t have to — not with God on your side. Read this article to find 3 practical tips for casting out fear.
Do you have other questions about your faith? We have collected as many questions as we could, sorted them into groups, and written out answers. You can find them here.
Have you yet to give your life to Christ? Or maybe you have strayed away from Him. Turn to Him now. His grace and love is sufficient. Learn how here.